Prayer Ministry
We believe prayer is the driving force behind the ministry and mission of the church. It is vital to everything we do. Through prayer, we are able to connect with God as we open ourselves to God’s call on our lives and the life of the church. Here at First UMC of Warren, we encourage people to be in prayer for the world, our community, those we love, as well as the ministry of the church.
There are several ways one can connect to prayer ministry here at First.
Weekly Prayer Meetings
Each week we have to organized prayer meetings (on Wednesday and Sunday). During these meetings, we will pray for the members of the church, the problems of the world, and for God to effectively use us as the church to be a beacon of hope and love in all we do. We also have a prayer chain that you can be part of as well as a prayer wall to keep our prayer concerns out there for you to pray for.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting:
11 a.m. on Wednesday mornings
In the Parlor
Sunday Prayer Meeting:
9:30 a.m. on Sunday Mornings
In the Parlor
Ask about joining us by zoom.
If you have any questions about our prayer ministry or would like to join our prayer team, please take a moment to contact us. You can call us at the church office (586) 264-4701 or send us an email.
Also, take a moment to visit our prayer wall.