We believe prayer is a vital part of any ministry. Through prayer, we connect with God and allow God to lead and guide us in all we do. Take a moment to check out the different prayer ministries we have going on.
A vital part of church membership is the connections we make with other people who are striving to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We are always looking to start new connection groups for people of all ages and passions.
Becoming a disciple of Jesus the Christ, requires us to be intentional in learning and growing in our faith. First UMC of Warren has on-going opportunities for this to happen. Check it out. If you have an idea for a class or would like to be part of leading a group, please let the pastor know.
Part of our mission is to serve God by serving others. This comes directly from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his Great Commandment to his disciples that they should love God and love one another. Here at First, we are always looking for opportunities to put hearts, hands, and feet to the gospel.